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Management Information System, This is the Explanation

Information management system is a planning system part of the internal control of a business which includes the use of people, technology, documents, and procedures by management accounting to solve business problems such as the cost of products, services, or a business strategy.

While the information management system has several meanings expressed by experts such as

1. According to Turban, McLean, and Waterbe in the book "Information Technology for Management Making Connection for Strategies Advantages" says that systems that collect, process, store, analyze, and disseminate information for specific purposes.

2. According to Azhar Susanto said that the system is a collection or group of systems or parts or components, whether physical or non-physical that are interconnected with each other and control, evaluation, and continuous improvement

3. According to O'brien said that the system is a group of interconnected components, working together to achieve common goals by receiving output in an orderly transformation


4. According to Bodnar and Hopwood in the book Accounting Information System explains that the collection of hardware and software designed to transform data in the form of useful information 

5. According to L. JamesHavery said that the system is a logical and rational procedure for carrying out or designing a series of components related to each other 6. According to Von Bartalanfy said that the system is a set of elements that are intertwined in an inter relations between these elements with the environment

From some of the points above it is already clear about the understanding of the system, while for management information systems are distinguished from ordinary information systems because management information systems are basically used to analyze other information systems that are applied to organizational operational activities.
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