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Product Marketing Strategy

Product Marketing Strategy
Product Marketing Strategy
One product marketing strategy is marketing mix. Marketing mix is ​​a combination of four variables consisting of product, place, price and promotion. The following explanation

1. Product strategy, this strategy covers issues of physical offer, brand, packaging, warranty, and service after sales. Can be done as follows

2. Place, for places, namely various company activities to make products produced or sold affordable and available to the target market. Places include channels, coverage, assortments, locations, inventory, and transport

3. Price strategy, this strategy includes consideration of costs, profits, competitive practices, and changes in market desires

4. Promotion strategy, this strategy covers advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity


The following 3 Product Marketing Techniques

1. Direct marketing, that is to say directly from producers to consumers. For example household handicraft products and home industry products

2. Indirect marketing, which means marketing through intermediaries. For example agents, large traders, small traders, retail traders, new to the hands of consumers

3. Semi-direct marketing, that is to say marketing only uses one intermediary, that is, using a retail merchant channel
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