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Four Components of a Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is one of the most important financial statements for a company. Broadly speaking, the balance sheet components can be described viz

1. Current Assets

a. Cash
b. Bank account (bureau and savings account)
c. Time deposit
d. Marketable securities
e. Accounts Receivable
f. Loans provided
g. Preparations
h. Fees paid
i. Income accrued
j. Other current assets

2. Participation

3. Fixed Assets


a. Tangible fixed assets such as land, machinery, buildings, equipment, vehicles, accumulated depreciation, and other fixed assets
b. Intangible fixed assets such as googwil, copyrights, licenses, and trademarks

4. Other Assets

a. Building in process
b. Land under construction
c. Long-term receivables
d. Bail
e. Investment advance
f. And others
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